Well time is flying by. I am full of energy at all times and am a super happy little boy. I have been doing lots of new things and trying all kinds of new foods. So far the only thing I don't like is eggs which is pretty good as my Mommy is a very picky eater. I guess I'm taking after Daddy when it comes to food. I still love water a LOT so I can't wait to get to the pool. I have used my little one when I can but I want to go into the big one. I also can't wait to go to the beach and on Uncle Jeffers' boat. Snoopy still doesn't like me but oh well I enjoy chasing him as I have become a super fast crawler. I even walk around a lot now when I am hanging on to things. This past weekend I took 3 steps to Grandpa Tom!!! It was quite the event as everyone clapped and smiled at me. I went to my step-uncle's graduation party and met so many new people. I had tons of fun and met my new best friend, Great-Grandpa Don. He and I played catch with a napkin, yes a napkin, for over 20 minutes. As you can see I can have fun with anything. The weekend was very hot! Over 90 degrees and a lot of our events were outside. I also went to the BBQ and Blues festival in town and was excited for the petting zoo but they closed just as we were arriving as the animals were too hot. It was still fun though but I'm sure next year it will be more fun as I'll be able to do a lot more. I am also battling dual ear infections again so I haven't been my usual self but I'm getting there. In two months I'll be 1!!! Wow that is so awesome and I can't wait. I'll have an awesome party and it is going to be at the lake. Anyway that's all for now. I'm sure I'll be walking very soon and will have lots to update over the coming weeks.
Love you!!
I love to kick and this is the face I make while doing it :)
So tired.
This toy is so much fun. I like to crawl back and forth.
Relaxing while watching my Baby Einstein DVD.
Another view of me relaxing.
10 month picture with Pooh Bear. I'm getting longer than him!!!
10 month bumbo picture. I'm fitting in here more and more each month.
Thinking about what trouble I can get into next and realizing Mom has caught me :)
I'm ready for summer!!! Bring on the sun.