Well I have been very busy which is one reason I haven't posted in so long. That means though that if you continue to look down you will see three other posts about me. I had my first haircut, football started, and a day at the park. Be sure to scroll down to see those posts and all of the pictures that go with them.
Summer has come to an end and we have been trying to be outside as much as possible. I will be 14 months next week already and Mommy and Daddy say I am growing too fast. My new word is Duck and ever time I see one whether on TV, in a book, or with my farm animals I yell duck super loud and then clap! Not sure why I picked that word but I sure sound cute saying it. Another new fun thing for me is to climb up on the furniture and throw all of the cushions off. Every now and then I figure out how to get up by myself but wow can I get mad and throw a tantrum when I don't get up by myself the first time I try. My new favorite show is Blue's Clues. I saw one episode and I became hooked! I love listening to Joe as he finds the clues that Blue leaves and then when Blue is on the screen I am all smiles. I am still not a picky eater and love everything especially if it comes off of Mommy or Daddy's plates. I refuse to eat my baby food if I see them eating something which is ok by them as they hope to take me off of my baby food next month. I seem to be teething again but that's ok I might as well get them all done at once. I have a full mouth of teeth now and even molars already.
That's all I can think to share for now so I'll try to post again soon.
Love you