I am 4 months old today and wow how I have grown! In the last few weeks I have been doing more and more. My two bottom teeth are working their way in and I have not been happy about it. Hopefully they will make their debut soon! I can now roll over both ways and now love to be on my tummy more than on my back. Daddy even found me sleeping on my belly this morning. I have learned how to squeal so I love doing that really loud and then I laugh. Speaking of which I am now full of giggles and share them on a regular basis. I am such a good baby and have been sleeping 8 - 9 hours straight each night, which Mommy and Daddy love. I had my appt with my NICU doctors last week and they say that I am doing everything I should be which was great news and now I don't have to see them again until I am 9 months old!! On Wednesday I will be seeing my regular doctor and I have to get my 4 month shots :( Hopefully I won't be too much of a bear afterwards but we'll see. Other than that Christmas is almost here and I can't wait to see all of the lights and experience snow even though Mommy and Daddy say it needs to hold off as long as possible. Well I'm sure a lot of new changes will be coming over the next couple of weeks so be sure to keep up!
I am about as long as my Pooh Bear!
9 years ago