9 years ago
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I Got a Big Boy Bed!!!
Well I am a bid boy now as I now have a big boy bed!!! On Friday night I showed Mommy and Daddy that I could escape from my crib. The main problem was I wasn't very graceful about it and they didn't want me to hurt myself in the middle of the night so it was time for a change. We decided on a big boy bed instead of a toddler bed as I wouldn't be in that very long either. Last night was my first night and I did AWESOME. I slept all night and that hasn't happened in months. Mommy did stay in the room with me though as she was worried I would get scared the first night. It was also nice as Mommy and I took a nap together today in my bed and it was so nice to cuddle as I am not a cuddler at all. Hopefully I will continue to do well and Mommy and Daddy won't have to second guess their decision. I even got to get sheets that have balls on them and I love them. We also had to get rid of my changing table as I had figured out how to climb all over that and we can't have me doing that in the middle of the night or unattended. In it's place I got some new totes and cube storage and it's great. Well below are some pictures of my room now and even from my nap. Until next time. ~Jackson

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Halloween and 15 month check-up
Well a lot has been going on. First we'll start with mentioning that below this post is a post of new random pictures of me so check it out. Now to Halloween. As my main word has been duck it was only fitting that I would be one for Halloween. I had a very busy Halloween weekend and we started Friday night by going to the party at our local rec center where we met up with my cousins Emerson and Grayson. I had a lot of fun and got to run around and even go into a dark maze. Then Saturday night I stayed at Grandma Jill's as Mommy and Daddy went out for Daddy's 30th birthday so Happy Late Birthday to my Daddy!!!! On Sunday Mommy came to get me and brought my costume so I could show it off. First Grandma Jill got to see me then I went to Grandpa Tom and Grandma Lee Ann's. I had so much fun and Riley even came over in his costume so I got to play with him and his puppy Libby. Hopefully I'll play with him again soon and he is going to be a big brother in a couple of months so that will be another kid in the neighborhood for me to play with. After that I went to Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Wayne's and showed off my moves there. Then on our way home we went to Williamsburg and I showed off for Aunt Abby, Uncle Jeff, and cousin Brittany. Then we came home to take care of Daddy who was sick. I didn't go trick-or-treating but perhaps next year I will.
Now on to my 15 month check-up. I am just a little peanut. I am 23 lbs and 30 1/4 inches tall which puts me in the 25th percentile for both. Mommy and Daddy couldn't believe that I am so tiny as people are always saying I'm so big. So we wonder what a toddler who is in the 100th percentile would look like :) I got my last booster shots until I am 4 so we are very happy about that!!! My doctor said I'm doing great and no problems. Mommy and Daddy have taken me off of most of my baby food and I am doing great with big boy food. I love it!!! I have even been using a spoon and feeding myself from a bowl. We think I am going to be a lefty though for sure but we'll see. I have also been sleeping through the night again as I am now getting a snack before bed and not been dressed so warm as I tend to run on the warm side so we have changed my jammies out and it seems to have worked. Lets hope it keeps up as sleeping all night is wonderful! Well until next time.
Random Pictures
Monday, October 11, 2010
Our little monkey
I have turned into a little monkey and will use whatever I can to get up on things. Take a look :)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I'm a very busy boy!
Well I have been very busy which is one reason I haven't posted in so long. That means though that if you continue to look down you will see three other posts about me. I had my first haircut, football started, and a day at the park. Be sure to scroll down to see those posts and all of the pictures that go with them.
Summer has come to an end and we have been trying to be outside as much as possible. I will be 14 months next week already and Mommy and Daddy say I am growing too fast. My new word is Duck and ever time I see one whether on TV, in a book, or with my farm animals I yell duck super loud and then clap! Not sure why I picked that word but I sure sound cute saying it. Another new fun thing for me is to climb up on the furniture and throw all of the cushions off. Every now and then I figure out how to get up by myself but wow can I get mad and throw a tantrum when I don't get up by myself the first time I try. My new favorite show is Blue's Clues. I saw one episode and I became hooked! I love listening to Joe as he finds the clues that Blue leaves and then when Blue is on the screen I am all smiles. I am still not a picky eater and love everything especially if it comes off of Mommy or Daddy's plates. I refuse to eat my baby food if I see them eating something which is ok by them as they hope to take me off of my baby food next month. I seem to be teething again but that's ok I might as well get them all done at once. I have a full mouth of teeth now and even molars already.
That's all I can think to share for now so I'll try to post again soon.
Love you
Football is Finally Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah football is finally back!!! I have spent the last six months learning to do touchdown and now I know what it's for! All that practice wasn't for nothing. As you will be able to see from my pictures below I am going to be a very confused boy for awhile. Daddy is a Iowa Hawkeye / Chicago Bears fan while Mommy is a Wisconsin Badgers / Green Bay Packers fan. What this means to me is I get wardrobe changes through the day depending on what game is on. This Monday night will be a problem though as Mommy and Daddy's teams are playing each other. Perhaps I will pick my own team but Mommy and Daddy are praying it's not the Minnesota Vikings or the Dallas Cowboys. Any other team could possibly be acceptable.
Day at the Park
Over Labor Day weekend Grandpa and Grandma Bird came down and visited with me. We went to City Park in Iowa City as Mommy had heard that it was a nice park. Turns out they had tons for me to do. They even have rides that you would find at the carnival that are there all summer. We wish we had done this lots sooner!!! I got to ride the carousel and the train and then of course ran all over the place. Grandpa Tom and I played catch with an acorn and Grandma Lee Ann took me on the train. Below are some pictures from my adventure.
My 1st Hair Cut
Last Friday the 17th I got my first haircut ever!!!! At first I was all smiles and was looking forward to finding out what was going to happen. Then a water bottle was used, which is weird to Mommy and Daddy as I love water, but anyway that set me off. Then I cried through the entire process but Carrie did an awesome job and I look so handsome. Mommy got it on video and of course we saved my curls that got cut off :( I look like a toddler now which is sad and exciting at the same time but Mommy wanted to save my curls while they were still curly. Also I don't think mullets are in style anymore. Below are some before, during, and after pictures.
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